The Little Guys

All images on this page are less than 7 inches square. Many of the pieces are for sale at Paperish Mess in Chicago, Illinois.




Classic Black

A classic image from Alfred Cheney Johnston. I have always been touched by the image of the flapper girl, and this woman looks so introspective.





A classic image from the 1920s.





I found this pinup girl in a book and just had to burn her. I tried some different things with the background on this one which was interesting to do. I enjoyed the idea of her floating in space. Hence the name. Based on an Al Buell painting.





Duane Bryers brought us one of the only realistically shaped woman in the pinup age. Her name is Hilda.





She's just a sexy lady. I liked the look in her eyes and I wanted to try to capture it. I think I did alright. :)





Another image from the awesome Alfred Cheney Johnston of the amazingly beautiful Drucilla Strain.





Based on a sketch from Alphonse Mucha. One of my all-time favorites, this one.



Tom Waits

This is my version of a portrait. The eyes communicate so much, and Tom Waits has been an incredible influence in my life with his deep sexy voice.





She's one of my favorite pinups that I have burned a couple times just for fun.





Another of the Alfred Cheney Johnston images.





A beautiful 20s woman's face with one of the many quotes that I live by:

"No one can make you feel inferior without your consent."

Eleanor Roosevelt





My first attempt at a completely black background.





I added some white paint on this one to accentuate the pearls.





I started playing with more intricate backgrounds with this lovely lady. Based on a pinup by Rolf Armstrong.



Gelsey Kirkland

When I was a child, I wanted to be Gelsey Kirkland. I still watch the Nutcracker with her and Mikael Baryshnikov every year around Christmas time. Her autobiography "Dancing on my Grave" was the first book that I ever read by choice outside of schoolwork. It was also the first time that I found out that people aren't alwasy as they seem...





This is the smallest pinup I have ever attempted at just over 3" tall and 2" wide!





Another of the purses that I did back in the early 2000s. She was one of my first nudes.

Bunny Love

For a time period I was making 6" round purses. This was another pinup that I put onto one of them. She was originally holding a dog, but my love of rabbits caused me to add in a rabbit. So cute.




Mucha Night

Another of the purses that I did back in the early 2000s. Mucha has always been a big inspiration to me.

Lounging Mucha

My first real attempt at sexy fabric... I've learned a lot since then!




Pinup Coasters

My first set of coasters! These were fun to make. The pine has such a strong grain that it was quite a challenge to get any real shading. You may recognize some of these images from throughout the site...
