
These images stem from the beginnings of my career as a pyrography artist. They represent where all of this started.





The Flames






My first and only abstract (so far). I took an image of fire and placed the silhouette of a woman into it and reflected and twisted the fireimage inside of the silhouette. It was fun.





Diagonal Lady

My first favorite pair of legs. I nailed her knees and feet. A very close friend of mine has this one in his studio. Based on a pinup by Bill Randall.

Vargas Rose

My first sexually explicit pinup lady. Based on an image from Alberto Vargas she's just so hot. The silhouette of this image was my first logo.





I have reburned this image a few times, with the newest version of it in the second sex gallery. One of the first Al Buell images I imitated.

Bettie Page

Being in love with pinups for so long, I couldn't get enough of Bettie Page. The thick black hair, harshly cut bangs, and her curves. I had a t-shirt with this image on it and I just had to burn it!




The Wizard

My very first burned image ever. I had a figurine like this as a kid and I drew out this image of him. Black and white and done with a craft burner that broke immediately after I finished it.


My first pinup. The dancing lady. Amazing to see how much my skills have improved. I will always have a special place in my heart for this woman.
